
Play! 2.0 and Eclipse: Current Status

Play 2.0 recently made awesome progress especially for Eclipse users. Creating projects and working from within the IDE now is nearly as simple as in the 1.x releases:

For building Play 2.0 I followed this recipe (beware - bleeding edge ;-)

$ git clone git://github.com/playframework/Play20.git
$ cd Play20/framework
$ ./build publish-local
$ PATH=$PATH:Play20

In an Eclipse Workspace:

$ play new test20
$ cd test20
$ play eclipsify
$ play ~run

In Eclipse:
  • Preferences/General/Workspace: Enable "Refresh using native hooks or polling"
  • File/Import.../General/Existing projects into workspace...
Et voila! - The project compiles without problems! Template changes are automagically compiled by play and the changes picked up by Eclipse. Thanks to Arthur Gautier, Heiko Seeberger and Pascal Voitot for guiding!